Become The Undeniable GO-TO In Your Industry

Create A Personal And Emotional Connection ON AUTOPILOT

Increase Conversions & Loyalty

With A Single 2-4 Minute Brand Video

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Create Instant Personal & Emotional Connection
Become The Undeniable Go-To In Your Niche
Increase Conversions & Loyalty

With A 2-4 Min Emotion-Driven Brand Video

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Free Starter Guide:

What's Your DEEP Personal Connection Story?

Discover The 5 Secrets To Knowing Exactly WHICH Story You Should Tell And HOW To Tell It - so your unique story converts for you*.

*From an Emmy Award-winner with 15 years of storytelling & marketing experience for brands big & small. Grab your FREE guide now!


Discover The 5 Secrets To Knowing WHICH Story To Tell And Exactly HOW To Tell It

- so your story converts for you*.

*From an Emmy Award-winner with 15 years of storytelling & marketing experience for brands big & small.

It turns out...

People buy more and convert faster when they know that your VALUES align.

We all know TRUST is at an all-time low and people are taking a LOT longer to trust anyone in the online space.

People want and NEED to know who they're buying from on a personal level because...

- The online space is more saturated than ever.

- More and more buyers have gotten burned with overhyped marketing and ridiculous promises that didn't deliver.

- Cutting through the noise is harder than ever.

The old way of "providing value" for months or being seen as "the AUTHORITY" in your niche doesn't work anymore (or takes way too long).

The fastest way to stand out online, increase conversions and kill your painfully slow 6-18 month sales cycles is to accelerate "Know, Like, and Trust" in that magic moment people connect with you, TOP OF FUNNEL -- when they're actually checking you out and WILLINGLY want to know more about you.

When you create an instant emotional and personal connection with your audience, they will immediately LIKE and TRUST you, and will pay attention every time you show up.

What if that was possible using just ONE VIDEO?

Creator management platform

Creator management platform

Capture them before ever selling anything -with just ONE video.

People are buying YOU even more than they're buying the results you're promising. (All your competitors are making the exact same promises, and have equally compelling testimonials).

But when they trust YOU as a HUMAN, they'll trust your offer is as good as you say it is.

If you rely on good copy alone and 6-12 months of CONSISTENTLY showing up, or dumping hundreds or thousands in ads, you're still going fight for attention with every other business online who's doing the same.

People want to know WHO you are, your drive and your VALUES -- they want to know that they can TRUST you as a human first.

And as an expert or business owner second.

Once they know these things and LIKE you, they can QUICKLY decide if they want to work with you.

So you have to SHOW them WHO YOU ARE.

A Brand Video has the power to magnetize perfect clients from the get-go so they immediately see you as their go-to.

Because it accelerates the KNOW, LIKE AND TRUST process.

Increase conversions

on autopilot.

When you do all the work to get leads but end up being seen as just another name in their inbox or news feed (and when your email arrives, they say "Wait, WHO is this person again??") - all your efforts and dollars are going down the drain.

That's the main reason people unsubscribe... when there's no emotional connection.

And if you do what everyone else is doing, expect the same results. It'll take 6-18 months to convert.

Instead, our proprietary storytelling framework (created by an Emmy Award winner with insane marketing credentials) used in a single emotion-driven Brand Video leverages buyer psychology and lives top of funnel so that you become MEMORABLE the SECOND they meet you for the first time.

All because you made them FEEL a personal and emotional connection to you that they will never forget.

So instead of scrolling past or unsubscribing, they'll now pay attention every time you show up -- because they're seeing an expert friend they already know, like and trust.

It turns out...

Your audience will spend more $$ and spend faster with you when they know your VALUES align.

Consumers want and NEED to know who they're buying from on a personal level because...

TRUST is at an all-time low.

It's not enough anymore to "provide value" or be seen as "the AUTHORITY".

The fastest way to

stand out online

, increase conversions and kill painfully slow sales cycles is to accelerate "Know, Like, and Trust" TOP OF FUNNEL.

Making yourself completely and intimately known to them.

You do that by creating an

emotional connection with your audience

so they will


position you as someone they


Be seen as the no-brainer person they WANT to work with - after just ONE video.

People buy YOU.

If you rely on good copy alone and taking 6-12 months of CONSTANTLY showing up, you're still going to blend in with every other good marketer online who's doing the same thing -- and likely burn out in the meantime.

People want to know WHO you are, your drive and your values -- and to QUICKLY decide if you are someone they want to work with.

So SHOW them.

A Brand Video has the power to magnetize them from the get-go and immediately position you as their go-to.

Increase conversions on autopilot.

Tired of losing hard-earned subscribers because they didn't stick around long enough to build trust? I've got you.

Sick of the social media content hamster wheel? Of course you are.

When you work so hard to get leads but end up being seen as just another name in their inbox or feed ("Wait, WHO is this person again?"), all your efforts go down the DRAIN.

Use a Brand Video to become MEMORABLE from the moment they meet you -- because you made them FEEL a personal and emotional connection to you they CAN'T FORGET.


Think of it like a movie trailer for your business. But 1000x more effective.

Your "brand story" crafted in a way that packs a MUCH bigger emotional punch than your run-of-the-mill "origin story" that's really more about you than your clients.

It's about creating a personal and emotional connection with them instantly, in ONE GO.

A Brand Video is a 2-4 minute video that tells the emotion-driven story of WHO you are (your values, your mission, your drive, your personality) in a way that creates an immediate and personal connection with your audience because it speaks to THEIR pains and deep desires...

And positions you as the person who not only GETS them deeply, but also cares about them (and is an expert at helping them) -- who they can instantly see themselves working with or buying from.


Cold audiences see it the moment they find you -- and instantly feel connected to you.

I call this the "Magical First Moment" - where prospects actually want to answer the questions "What is this brand about? Who is this person?"

Your Brand Video shows them in a powerful way who you are, that you get them deeply and you care about them. It makes you unforgettable because they FEEL it.

Your Brand Video is an asset that can live for years in your business and shines top-of-funnel, everywhere you are discoverable, in places like your homepage, About Me page, pinned to the top of your social media profiles, in your email signature and in your welcome sequence*.

(*There are actually 50+ places you can strategically place your Brand Video, but we're trying to keep this short because, you know, goldfish.)


(Yes, that's my Brand Video.)

Everyone's brand story falls into one of two categories: an Overcome Story or a Passion Story.

Casey, a sobriety coach, has an Overcome Story.


Casey knows her audience in and out intimately, so she found parts of her story that would resonate DEEPLY with them and built her brand story around those.

Then she paired her story with emotional visuals in a Brand Video that created "narrative transportation" (fancy word for: "they didn't feel like they were watching just another VSL, or being sold to at all"). Her cold audience now felt like they were having an intimate conversation with Casey, and she actually GOT them in a deep way.

They were IMMEDIATELY connected to her as an expert and friend they could TRUST.


Think of it like a movie trailer for your business - a "founder's story" but MUCH more effective.

A Brand Video is a 2-4 minute video that tells the story of WHO you are (your values, your mission, your drive, your personality) in a way that creates an immediate emotional connection with your audience.

It lives TOP OF FUNNEL, so cold audiences see it the moment they find you -- and instantly feel connected with you.

Places like: your homepage, About Me page, pinned to the top of your social media profiles, in your email signature and in your welcome sequence*.

(*There are actually 50+ places you can strategically place your Brand Video, but I'm trying to keep this short because, you know, goldfish! )

There are two types of stories everyone has: an Overcome Story or a Passion Story.

Cassie, a sobriety coach, has an Overcome Story.

Casey knows her audience in and out, so she found parts of her story that resonate DEEPLY with them and built her video around those.

Then she paired her story with emotional visuals that create "narrative transportation." Her audience didn't feel like they were being sold to, they felt like they were having an intimate conversation with a friend who GOT them.

They were IMMEDIATELY connected to her as an EXPERT and FRIEND they could TRUST.

Here's what Casey and other Brand Video clients have to say...

Here's what Casey and other Brand Video clients have to say...

If reactions could talk, they would also speak for themselves:

(*We are constantly collecting engagement from different Brand Videos in the wild, this is just a fraction of them!)

"Brand Video Queen", but make it hip

Meet Mariana, the brains and soul behind

Hi! I'm an Emmy-winning filmmaker obsessed with creating deep emotional connections -- I founded with a passion for harnessing the power of personal, intimate and emotion-driven storytelling for online marketing and serving people FASTER through digital offers.

I believe humans want to connect with humans they align with.

I believe we want to find "our people" -- and right now it takes too long.

So I empower coaches, course creators, experts and thought leaders to stand out, build trust faster and convert more quickly using a a single, 2-4 minute evergreen asset they create ONCE and can use for years: a Brand Video.

Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, I produced and filmed award-winning documentaries around the world for 15 years, some of which were published on the homepage of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, and stream on Peacock. I've worked with brands like Microsoft, Hulu, Wells Fargo, HP and UN. I was a Senior Video Producer at NBC for half a decade before leaving the corporate world to start my own empire and follow what I have been obsessing over this whole time.

Here's my own story in a nutshell (ahem, my Brand Video):

So who are the smart business owners leveraging a Brand Video in their business?







FREE Guide: The 5 Keys To Knowing Exactly WHICH Story To Tell And HOW To Tell It

- so your story converts for you*.

*From an Emmy Award-winner with 15 years of storytelling & marketing experience. I get you. And I've GOT you.


FREE Guide: The 5 Keys To Knowing Exactly WHICH Story To Tell And HOW To Tell It

- so your story converts for you*.

*From an Emmy Award-winner with 15 years of storytelling & marketing experience. Grab your FREE guide FAST.

Use a Brand Video to get them SOLD on YOU -

before they've even heard your offer.

Use a Brand Video to get them SOLD on YOU - before they've even heard your offer.