How To Write A Brand Story
That Actually CONVERTS

Use This Cheat Sheet To Create A Brand Story
That Will Get People To See You As The Go-To And Convert So Much Faster


But Before I Show You How, We Have To Address These…



You might think the ship has sailed when it comes to playing along with your favorite songs. Let me tell you; my oldest student was in his 90s! He was so excited to finally play Buddy Holly on his guitar. In fact, the majority of my students are in their 50s, 60s, and 70s.

Even if your fingers feel stiff right now and don’t move as fast as they once did. And even if you suffer from arthritis. It’s not the end of your guitar career. I can show you some easy exercises to improve your finger dexterity and strength, so you won’t have to give up on your dream.


I’m the living proof that some sort of magical natural talent isn’t needed to play the guitar well. In my family, I’m the only musician. You could say I inherited zero talent from my parents. Talentless as I was, I learned through consistent practice and good teachers. And I became really really good .

You can do the same! Don’t even let a lack of rhythm discourage you. I can show you how to improve that fast.


I’ve seen many of my students frustrated with their previous teachers. They were forced to learn complicated music theory, even though they just wanted to play a few songs.

Or their teachers skipped the basics and started with skills that were way too advanced. Constantly feeling like their teachers were speaking a foreign language, they didn’t understand. No wonder so many guitar enthusiasts simply give up.

You see, unlike most professionally trained teachers, I never studied music at a university. For the most part, I am a self-taught musician. That’s why my teaching style is VERY different from a lot of online and offline guitar teachers out there. I have a knack for breaking things down and making it as simple as possible. Something my students value a lot.


You absolutely can learn the guitar on your own. It usually takes a lot longer, though. Some of my students started out with books that weren’t motivating. Or they watched YouTube videos. But those lacked an overarching structure and were often too fast to follow. Eventually, you’ll hit a plateau.

I studied the guitar on my own for 10 years, even before YouTube was a thing. And I made some progress. But when I finally worked with a teacher, I learned more in 1 year than I did in the 10 years before that.

So, from experience, I can say that following a structured program by someone who knows what she’s talking about will accelerate your progress immensely.


It’s not a surprise hearing that regular practice is crucial to learning the guitar. No doubt about that. But how and what you practice matters.

Without a plan and routine to follow, you’re likely jumping all over the place. And you’re never sure if you’re actually doing it right. After a while of not seeing much progress, you’re demotivated and ready to throw your guitar back into the closet….thinking that you don’t have what it takes.


"One of the most beautiful parts about sharing your brand story is that it takes away those 5 extra emails before a phone call.
You get to know me before we've even started. Like, you're right to it. There's already that human connection. We know each other. Let's do this!"

- Nadia Murdock, Mindset and Movement Coach
Brand Video Signature Client

Mariana is a genius at storytelling and marketing
“She knows how to turn a personal story into an intimate emotional journey and understands what it takes to tug at heart strings in a way that will make people open their wallets.
She's simply the best and working with her taught me how to use emotion to sell out my course in 36 hours!"

- Vanessa C., Expert & Course Creator

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But The Truth Is..


…when you follow the right process and know what and how to practice. I found that the best approach is the one that lets you have fun with your guitar as fast as possible. That’s the basis for my system. This involves learning the 3 fundamentals of playing the guitar:








You’ll be able to:

  • Change chords quicker and smoother, so your guitar playing sounds more musical.

  • Move your fingers more nimbly, which makes playing easier and more effortless.

  • Improve your rhythm and strumming so you can play along with the songs you love.

  • Improve your rhythm and strumming so you can play along with the songs you love.

Most importantly, working on these 3 fundamentals will give you the confidence that you CAN learn and you WILL improve. It’ll give you a quick sense of progress, so you stay motivated to continue practicing and playing for a long time.

“I would whole heartedly

recommend the on line

course and Lauren to

anyone interested in

learning how to play the


- Jeffrey Gillis

Meet Your Guitar Guide


Hi, I’m Lauren Bateman! You And I Have A Lot In Common…

We’re both passionate about music. We both always wanted to learn the guitar (it’s such a fun instrument!). And we both don’t have a formal music education (mine was in Biology and Archaeology actually). After 10 years of dabbling in the guitar, I decided to take real lessons so that I could actually get good. And I did!!

While I may own and operate three music schools and have taught thousands of students to play guitar over the years… I still remember very well what it was like to struggle through every practice session, the trial and error of randomly jumping from parts of one song to the next. And the frustration of not knowing what lesson I should study next while feeling like I should be a lot further along.

That’s why I teach the guitar in a non-traditional style. I don’t start with boring music theory or terminology. No need for mumbo jumbo that you don’t understand or need. Instead, I focus on the fundamentals – these are the skills you need to have fun with your guitar as soon as possible…so you can start impressing your family nd friends with your tunes! And my students seem to agree with my approach…

See What's Inside The Box


After a decade of studying what worked and what didn’t for my students, I developed a simple step-by-step system that focuses on the absolute of guitar.

You’ll learn how to play the guitar even if you’ve never touched an instrument before.

This system provides a solid foundation that you can build upon endlessly to level up your guitar skills. The program is structured into 7 levels that teach what you need to know, exactly when you need to know it.

Each level builds upon the skills you’ve mastered in the last one, so you don’t have to worry about what’s coming next. Once you complete in one level and achieved those goals, you graduate to the next.

It’s A Simple, Straightforward Plan.

There’s no skipping around or learning things in the wrong order, which leaves you frustrated, trying to figure out things that are too hard for you.

With the 7-Level Guitar System, you’ll never feel overwhelmed or like you’re in over your head. You’ll progress steadily, accomplishing goals at each level, giving you the confidence and motivation to continue.

The system is completely self-paced, so you can practice at your own speed on your schedule. There’s no pressure, but you also won’t get bored, I promise!

What's Included

70+ Video Lessons

Using terms that are easy to understand, I’ll only introduce music theory concepts when you need them. And you can stop and go back or replay the video as many times as you want.

90+ Practice Lessons And Play Along Videos

…To help you improve the speed of your chord changes. These are easy songs ideal for beginners. I’ll show you several ways to play a song, and it’s a fun challenge to keep up.

PDF Course Workbook

…With instructions, tips, exercises, chords, and strumming patterns. The workbook follows the 7-Level System and outlines goals to aim for and helpful tips.

The Perfect Practice Worksheet

The Perfect Practice Routine Worksheet to help you create and organize the perfect practice session every time.

Lifetime Access To All Lessons

Rushing through my program is the last thing I want you to do. Once you buy the course material, you own them. Students love progressing through the course at their own pace. This is YOUR guitar journey. Take as long as you need.

Song Suggestions & Tips For Singing 
And Playing

You’ll always know which songs will be at the right level for your playing ability with my song suggestions.

Discover Your Learning Journey



In 10 short videos that you can watch in just 60 minutes, you’ll learn the fundamentals of working with your guitar. This makes sure that you’re off to a great start.

  • How to get the most out of your practice

  • The pros and cons of electric and acoustic guitars

  • What essential guitar accessories you’ll need

  • How to use a metronome in your practice

  • How to hold your guitar the right way

  • How to hold your guitar pick

  • How to tune your guitar

  • How to read a guitar tab

  • The absolute basics of the musical alphabet

  • How you can prevent wrist tension and pain


Chords are the very foundation for playing along to songs and sounding good on your guitar. From the Em & G chords all the way to 12 Bar Blues, you’ll master them all step by step. And instead of fumbling between muted chords and not sounding musical, you’ll be able to switch between chords faster and play much clearer. Your chord changes will be smoother, better sounding, and easier than ever before.


In the beginning, it can feel like your fingers just don’t want to move or seem to have a mind of their own. We’ll develop your muscle memory with easy Pick Control and Spider Exercises. Over time, your hands will become faster and more nimble. You’ll notice that you can move around your guitar with more control and change chords faster.


Eventually, you don’t want to play the same one or two strumming patterns over and over again that are out of sync with your music. You’ll learn simple strumming patterns that sound great and improve your rhythm. With the basics covered, you can apply fun strumming patterns to any songs you learn to sound more like a guitar player.

You’ll Learn All Of These Wonderful Things PLUS Much More Inside Of The 7-Level Guitar System!






Will This Really Be Worth It?

Obviously, you don’t want your money wasted. And it won’t be. I’ll let my student Lori Bennet tell you why:

“When I turned 60, I wanted to take guitar lessons. I signed up for classes at a well-known music store. Four instructors, two music schools and two years later, I didn’t feel like I had learned very much. As each instructor moved on, each new instructor taught in a different style and I always felt like I was starting from square one. I decided to try to learn on my own with YouTube. I came across some videos by Lauren Bateman. After watching a few videos and seeing what I liked, I signed up for Lauren’s online classes. I love them. She is a great instructor, very patient and very concise. Her course is laid out very well and I love Lauren’s videos. They are easy to understand and easy to follow along with. I would highly recommend Lauren Bateman’s online course.”

Why Is This Method Of Learning So Effective?

This is a self-paced course that starts with 10 short intro videos covering the basics of guitar. This ensures you have a solid foundation to build your skills upon or even fill in the gaps from learning on your own.

This is followed by 7 levels of lessons dedicated to my 3 fundamentals of guitar that every beginner should focus on to see real progress: Chord & Chord Changes, Finger Dexterity & Picking, Rhythm & Strumming. A downloadable PDF-workbook covering the 7 Level System gives you suggestions for goals and tips when needed.

 You will watch a video and use the corresponding PDF and exercise to practice along. When you have completed all of the items in one level and reached the goal, you graduate to the next level. This way, you don’t have to figure out what to practice next.

Not only that, you have 3 months access to Lauren and her private community to get motivation and your questions answered along the way. Students claim that it's the 'secret sauce' that really makes Lauren's course stand out.

Can I Do The Lesson On My Own Time?

Yes! My students tell me their favorite part about my course is that they can go at their own pace. And because you have lifetime access to the lessons in the course, they feel like they are not rushed to move through the materials.

Not only that, because you own the course once you buy it, you can review the lessons and practice play alongs as many times as you need to make sure you fully understand each and every lesson in the course.

I'm A Beginner. Is This Too Advanced For Me?

The 7 Level Guitar System is the perfect place for a total beginner. Going through my foundation lessons will make sure you have a solid base to build your guitar skills upon.

 From the very first lessons in Level 1, you will be learning important skills to help you have fun playing songs around the campfire.

I also offer a 30-day money back guarantee. If this program doesn't work for you, let us know and we will issue you a full refund.

Do You Teach Songs In Your Course?

Due to copyright laws, I cannot teach copywritten music in a paid course. I do incorporate some songs in the Common Domain for use as examples. Remember a huge problem that students face is focusing only on songs. The course teaches you the skills and techniques you need to play ANY popular song.

Throughout the course I make suggestions for songs you can learn that are located on my website or on my YouTube channel. This way you know which songs might be best for your based on the level you are at in the course.

How Long Will I Have Access To The Lessons?

How does lifetime access sound? You will have access to the course materials for as long as your need. Students love progressing through the course at their own pace. This is YOUR guitar journey. Take as long as you need.

I'm A Lefty. Will This Still Work For Me?

Yes! I have many left-handed guitar players in the course. This is why I use terms like "strumming hand" and "fretting hand" vs "right hand" and "left hand". Here is what one of my lefty guitar students had to say about her experience with the course:

"As a left-handed player I had apprehension about learning from a right handed player. After watching a few of Lauren's instructional videos I became aware that left or right makes no difference because the distinction is the fretting hand and the strumming hand. In this way Lauren's instructional videos are easy to follow along as this is the terminology she uses. The chord charts are also easy to follow since your fingers are numbered the same no matter left or right. Overall Lauren's teaching style is by far the best I've found for beginners lefty or righty !!!! I highly recommend her class." - Lisa Ahlquist

Can Non-US Resident Enroll In This Course?

Yes! I love my overseas students. The 7 Level System has helped students from all around the world including South Africa, Japan, Australia, Canada, Europe and Syria just to name a few.

What Is Your Refund Policy?

The “7-Level Guitar System” will help you play songs you love with ease and confidence. Soon you’ll be sitting with friends and family around the campfire providing hours of sing-along fun to your favorite songs. You have everything you need to get started right here in this course.

I guarantee you’ll see BIG results… that is, if you actually use the “7-Level Guitar System.” I can’t practice for you. But I’ve given you everything you need, and much more, to see real, steady progress!

As soon as you enroll, you’ll get an email giving you complete and immediate access to all the videos and tools. All you have to do is put them to use and sit back to enjoy the results.

And, if after watching the intro items and Level 1 you are not satisfied for ANY reason with my lesson material…

...just let me and my team know with a quick email to [email protected] within 30 days of purchase, and we’ll send you a full refund.

We unfortunately do not offer refunds due to financial hardships or changes in health after purchase. We only offer refunds based on the course quality issues.

We Help Student Get Results!


4.9 rating from over 6000 students


“Overall Lauren’s Teaching Style Is By Far The Best I’ve Found For Beginner Lefty Of Righty!”

As a left-handed player I had some apprehensions about learning from a right - handed player. After watching a few of Lauren's instructional videos I became aware that left or right makes no difference rather the distinction is the fretting hand and the strumming hand. The chord charts are also easy to follow since your fingers are numbered the same no matter left or right.

- Lisa Ahlquist


“I Started The Course About Four Months Ago And Cannot Get Over How Far I Have Come.”

I’ve wanted to learn guitar since I was a teenager, but I never believed I had the talent or the coordination to do it. Now 61, I thought it couldn’t hurt to at least try, so I purchased an inexpensive guitar and started looking at YouTube videos. Many were too fast-paced for me to follow or didn’t show me how to form the chords being played.

Happily, I came upon a video by Lauren Bateman. The course is beautifully organized and designed to take you, at your own pace, from absolute beginner to intermediate player.

Everything from choosing a guitar and pick to working in a logical progression to create chords, strum, and pick is laid out in a clear format with ample support, encouragement, and recognition of the difficulties faced at each stage as you develop strength, dexterity, stamina, and self-confidence.

- Daryl Holmes


“After Trying Roughly 20 To 25 Courses I Found Yours.”

I took up guitar lessons which I've wanted to do since I was a child. Now, at 75 years old, in my 3rd childhood:-) After trying roughly 20 to 25 courses I found yours. I can't express how excited I was after trying your first free online courses, which I must say are VERY extensive. Thank you so much for quitting your previous profession! I can certainly see where your passion and heart is with these courses. God Bless.

- Dennis Baus


“You Take Everything Step By Step And That's Just What I Need.”

Hi Lauren, I just wanted to take a minute to say Thank You. In the short time I have been in your course I have learned more than all the time I spent in the other course I tried. I was enrolled in for about a year, but their teaching method just didn't resonate with me. I ended after a year in about the same spot I began. Struggling, no increased speed, no smooth chord changes, so it got real boring, real fast. You take everything step by step and that's just what I need. What a difference!! You'r an awesome teacher!! Thanks again!

- Dave Chinn


“I Can Say It’s One Of The Best Decisions I’ve Made.”

I’m a 53 year old lawyer with three teenagers. I have no music background and no “natural talent”, but I love music. I look forward to my weekly lessons because it’s a total change from the rest of my life. After a year, I’m playing the Stones, Eagles and Buffet with enough skill to earn compliments from my wife and kids, difficult critics to say the least.

- George M.


“Lauren Can Help You Turn That Dream Into Reality.”

Most importantly, I love HOW Lauren teaches. The knowledge she so expertly shares combined with her down-to-earth, conversational style takes any guitar-related topic and puts the student in a learning comfort zone. This is serious, results-oriented learning…but it also puts a smile on your face as you're learning

– Carolyn Z.